Saturday, June 28, 2008
get to know myself better
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
err. burn/throw away/delete everything related to him.
#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
heart to be in tune with the head.
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
simple and white. Beach with a jazz band.
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Erm, not really. get that degree, work/start a biz, get a house (no kids) and retire EARLY.
#5. What's your ideal lover like?
intelligence, humour and hates kids maybe? hahahas.
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone ?
Being loved i guess. Human cant be trusted to reciprocate.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
until somebody better comes along? Lol.
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
find someone new?
#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
other than adhoc tuition, nothing much in particular.
#10. What do you want most in life?
Retire early and comfortably.
#11. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
Using more anti-ageing products, working, saving up to retire early yet comfortably.
#12. Who is the current most important person to you?
#13. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
Err, can negotiate further? Married & able to retire early and comfortably?
#14. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?
If human can be considered as animals, how about another me?
#15. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to do?
Be emphathetic maybe. Cuz i dun really do a good job
#16. What kind of person do u think u are?
#17. What do you define as a bad day?
When most of the things dont go my way/ get screwed up
#18. If you have to choose between love (as in boy-girl relationships) and friendship, what would it be?
So extreme again? hmm, friendship maybe. Not quite a firm believer in everlasting love.
#19. What is/are the thing(s) that go(es) on your mind every day without fail?
how to retire early yet comfortably, how to stay sane, and "eh, whats on telly today".
#20. Tag friends who should do this.
kosin, yiyang, daniel, gary, everyone else who has the time :)
who's at work this time round?
the heart or the head.
still.... in the state of havin' spilt personality
Thursday, June 26, 2008
embraCe the new
and we went food-hunting for half a day before he left for work, and leaving me @ Kallang cuz he's in a rush.
train-ed down to Tampines, window-shopped around (cuz i only brought 10 bucks out) =x
went home and slept =x
which is the real me?
the one my heart feels "I Cant Do It"
or the one the head always scream "I Can Do It"
Who's right - the heart or the head?
Is this what people call Split Personality?
was discussing with dad that day about the possibility of me renting a place at Clementi so that I can go school conveniently.
Dad said "Can consider"
But again, I cant even do chores like washing the clothes, separating clothes where the colours run, mop the floor, iron clothes, etc. And importantly, i would rather go hungry than cook/ buy food on my own.
Papa, can i have a maid?
It could just be pure jealousy, my fear of losing the best soulmate.
And I've perhaps mistook it all along for something deeper.
the price: 5 years of youth.
never too late to realise.
but still, too heavy a price i've paid.
inability to recoup on my part,
how about you reciprocate? ;D
Sunday, June 22, 2008

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.
I always thought i'm only like 50-50%.
But, looking at things, what else can i say?
It says "students should take Math1 in Aug and Stat1 in Oct".
But i've already chosen to take Math1 in Oct and Stat1 in Aug.
So, do i have to change my timetable?
Hadnt been online for more than 5 mins for the past 3 days.
Nothing much these days except the tuition parent wants to have tuition for her child 4 times a week.
Well, it means faster pay for me. =)
i'm into scrapbooking again. =)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
gettin' harder and harder.
it is a medium to vent
1) regardless if there's anyone to read it at all
2) when there arent listeners on msn
3) where you had scrolled the whole list of contacts in your hp but cant find anyone to talk to.
4) the confessions.
maybe i do need a blog afterall.
finally understood the amount of stress poly students have while choosing their timetable.
had chosen the timetable alrdy. break 2 days a week. not too bad! =)
Kanin was saying we can actually find videos of PHSSB/ PHSSB Alumni Band on youtube.
Too bad, it doesnt have performances by our batch... cuz there wasnt youtube back then.
went for the Acuvue Movie Marathon today wth Kosin!
Kungfu Panda (yes again, but digital this time round though there isnt much diff) and The Incredible Hulk.
Incredible Hulk was great! I adorned action flicks!
Sound system was awesome, climax all the way!
Rating: 4/5
Like all adverts..." Thank you Acuvue!"
had some catching up with Jasper at CP yesterday after tuition.
he's not as chaota as daniel, but still, he had his mane SHAVED to standard NS crew cut.
was saying he would accompany me for the movie marathon if i couldnt get a mate to go with.
Where to find such a buddy?
he wouldnt be reading this but still, Thanks Bud!
I need a head that is in tune with the heart
and vice versa, a heart in tune with the head.
A head that agrees with the heart
A heart which agrees with the head
One that beats for who is right
One that accepts who feels right
there's one thing i can never ever understand.
Why is the heart so used to giving in to the head, who claims to be rational?
Why are feelings always neglected and seemingly unimportant.
It's getting incredibly hard to stay rational and not succumb to feelings.
Monday, June 16, 2008
INTOXICATED. I need a new heart.
cuz there's no tuition tmr!
was supposed to choose the timetable/ modules the coming thursday
but, i've yet decided what modules to pick!
the saddest thing is to know that i cant hide from Math and Stats.
Maybe i'm qualitative > quantitative kindof person.
In any way, Maths is COMPULSORY.
Had this streetdirectory CD-ROM
Like totally awesome.
Ever since streetdirectory was down, life has been much difficult.
though did much help.
it's difficult to stay rational.
"pain is inevitable but suffering is optional'' people say.
I promise, each day i'll try fooling the heart.
intoxicated with every day emotions
feelings freely enter and exit.
Like a see-saw, there's no end to the ups and downs.
i need a heart in tune with the head.
A heart that agrees with the head.
A head which agrees with the heart.
One that beats for who is right.
the stage of split personality.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
desperate situation calls for desperate solutions.
-> Gary: YARHHH. tsk. nvm, next week go for carom again. =x and weekday pls, so we can go for buffet. LOL.
nothing much.
took up an tuition assignment, which i had so regretted.
this p2 guy keep running around and has a screaming 2 year old bro.
i'm so not a kids-kindof-person, let alone a kids-entertainer
1.5hours feels like 3 hours can....
that close to tying the boy to the chair with correction tape.
dont ask why with correction tapes.
desperate situation calls for desperate solutions.
told mn about it, and she suggested CANE.
she's getting violent these days. WHATEVER HAPPENED IN US MN???
and if yq was me... she'll prolly bring a duct tape and super glue...
HAHAHA. just kidding, just trying to describe her BRAND of violence.
seriously, what kind of trouble have i gotten myself into, again?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
was great!
had a mini gathering sortof to celeb everyone's holidays, hahaha not that, just a normal gathering and i'm just giving a cause to celeb since we had spent much today.
Met up with Sz at ard 1030am at sengkang mrt to go meet the rest together, and yes, am late as usual... =x
Robin was early.
Everyone else was late.
Pat and Gary turned up sometime later...
Had Sakae Sushi for lunch.
so smart, everyone forgot that there's no buffet on weekends.
spent alot cuz Sz, Gary and I only targetted sashmi and salmon related.
too bad, they dun sell soft shell crab individually. thats kinda disappointing.
not returning to anymore Sakae Sushi.
after which, we went to Nebo Cafe @ AMK Hub for early dinner and board games.
played carom striker, jenga, hedbands.
hell lot of fun, screams, cold sweat, anxiety and laughter!
had a new nick after jenga... Xy - the destroyer... if you get what i mean.
and later daniel and chekhow came along.
cabbed home with Sz.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
would be heading down to Orchard maybe tomorrow and take a look.
Sex & the City seemed nice... a seemingly the-devil-wears-prada kindof.
seductively nice.
Last night, i recalled the sms.
what was it that you had wanted to ask that particular night at 2am?
i'm sorry we got distant
and i'm sorry we got dull
Tuning in to: Theatre of Tragedy - Mire.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The KungFu Panda
we went to catch the last film i would ever watch.
yes u r right...
The Kungfu Panda.
Rating: 3/5 It's okay to give it a miss if there's no extra cash.
As usual, yq and i did the most absurd thing. yq brought in sushis!
met gary (lu ye) and his fren at "FOX" or rather he saw me.... hahahas. Did i shrunk again or did he just get taller? hahahahas. Good to see him around cuz it was sometime ago since i last saw him. Think the last time i saw him was at Tampines Mall after MJ Prelim paper. LOL.
Last Seen:
Man Ning - Vivo trip with YQ, Robin - Last Clz Gathering, Kosin/Yiyang - Last movie watched, Shaozhi - April 1st My Birthday, Randy - New Year Eve @ Marina Bay, ...
lets hang out soon again guys!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Movie/DVD Buffs
1) Hairspray
2) Notes on a scandal
3) Waterhorse
aweeeesomeeee... Full of life, smiles and laughter. Thumbs Up!!!!!!!
Set in Baltimore during the 1960s dance TV craze, a zaftig high school hair hopper, Tracy Turnblad, graduates from outsider to celebrity trendsetter and along the way she stars on "The Corny Collins Show," wins the heart of resident hunk Link Larkin and kicks down the barriers for black and white integration on local television
Rating: 4.5/5
Freaky and scandalously impressive!
When Sheba Hart joins St. George's as the new art teacher, Barbara Covett senses a kindred spirit. But Barbara is not the only one drawn to her. Sheba begins an illicit affair and Barbara becomes the keeper of her secret.
Rating: 4/5
Not too bad, Disneyfied. But again, i'm not a fantasy kindof person. People who liked movie like Freaky Friday will probably like it
The Academy Award-Winning producer and special-effects team behind "The Lord of the Rings" team up with Revolution Studios, Walden Media (of "The Chronicles of Narnia") and Beacon Pictures to bring to the screen the magical film "The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep". Rooted in one of the most enduring and intriguing legends of our time, the story begins with an enchanted egg which soon hatches and sets in motion an adventure that will take a young boy on an unforgettable journey of a lifetime.
Rating : 3/5
*** credits of synopsis to Yahoo! Movies

Monday, June 2, 2008
GSS episode
decided to join aunt and mum for some GSS shopping @ Raffles City/ Marina Square/ Suntec
Man, 100 bucks is gone just lyk dat.
one shirt, brother's bdae prez, one earpiece.
and i thought it was GSS.