Saturday, August 9, 2008

nonsensical rants

i just feel like blogging suddenly.

this feeling kindof sucks.
i just want a change.
and i thought i can have my change in a brand new environment.
but brand new environment doesnt mean past memories stop lingering altogether.
you continue to see your old friends, who remind you of who you are, how you were like back then, there's already an expectation of how you should behave - behaving just like how you did in the past.
Somehow, the past still continues to haunt.
and i cant do anything, nothing on my part to shake them off.

there's always a strong inate need for change.
of how i would travel all the way to YCK and from there all the way to Pasir Ris for schools.

i've finally failed the norm route taken in schooling years.
a change finally...
but i wanted more.

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