Monday, April 6, 2009

i-cant-think-of-a-title... exams frenzy?

i've just seen my schedule for this month again, this time with eyes wide opened.

here it goes...
i'm having 10-5 lectures consec for sat,sun,mon,tue,wed,thur....
so i've decided to blog this one last lengthy entry, and after which i would disappear till end of exams (that is 15th May)

i'm just worried at how i'm taking things so lightly.
there arent many days left till exams, and i've yet gotten back my prime momentum.
i know i can do it, but i need to get down and do it.
And it means not overlooking the nitty gritty details (which kills as proven in prelims)
And it means waking up in dreams to recall work, and falling asleep in the process and the cycle continues.

the best thing i've heard this week: it's never too late to start...
but i would gun down every single one who tell me that, that is if i could.
for this kills every little motivation i have to start working RIGHT NOW.

And at this exams-frenzy time...
i need to get well from the throat infection, and this means i need to get effective antibiotics from another doctor.
i need to stay away from specific people who have high tendencies of adversely affecting my mood. The bottom-line is... i dont need anything else to complicate matters.

i'm so glad that things went well on 1st april.
truly grateful for everyone who made it possible.

its ironic
part of me wants to stay away to keep this happiness "fairytalised".
part of me wants to see him soon to elevate this level of happiness (yet running a risk of him depressing me)
i often wished i can strike a balance in this.
but it seemed i'm not always in control.

All the best to me for tomorrow, and many more tomorrows in life.

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