Wednesday, July 23, 2008


In the midst of a transition.
Elope for the future with the present.
Let the past lay buried.
Never to be dug up, never to be spoken of.
Like this, you will never ever have to know.

Each passing scene.
Every single love song.
Reminds me of you.
I will recreate memories.
of which, without you.

Giving and receiving.
Not that I can recall.
Coerced commitments.
Will not bring us very far.
Let's not go against God's will.

Every single poetic piece.
Sings of a heart.
Broken, mended, but never quite the same as before.
Tougher and determined, once and for all.
I will forget you.

Incompatible and make-believe coincidences.
as of the start.
People say opposites attract.
But magnets will eventually lose magnetism
Such a day has come.

Countless drifting aways.
Relentless times we've tried pulling back.
Nothing like this time,
Heart went cold.
Doesnt beat for you anymore.

Silence and more heartaches.
All I can see.
If I continue my way.
Embrace the newfound freedom.
Or simply, to save myself.

Ardous Tug-of-War,
Reaching the end, but pulled back to the start.
Like pendulum it swings,
To and fro, no eventual end.
Like now, finally, a personal release.

Peaks and climaxes.
Sometimes are finales.
Curtains down, actors bow.
Waved the last goodbye.
This, is what is happening.

*This is a last dedication to him.

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