Friday, May 29, 2009

... POST-EXAM ACTIVITY SIX: popping pills

anyway, here's the thing.
i was ranting to my sis how i've a dozen things to do this week
to have a proper closure to the holidays...
and who knows,
it rained heavily on monday when i was about to go out. thunderstorms and all
Tue-the coming sunday: fever, flu, cough, throat infection.

back to the story....
so i was saying i was ranting to my sis...
and i briefly mentioned i'm dying to watch terminator salvation.
and *handphone rings*
--> hey bud, any plans later?
me: hahaha, i'm quarantined at home, having fever. lol
--> oh okay. haha, nvm wanna ask if you wanna watch terminator salvation.

people who dont plan, plan to fail.
then vice versa, shouldnt people who plan, plan to succeed?
Lesson Learnt: things dont always work the "vice versa" way

club meeting at 7pm.
the last last thing on my mind came to realise.

there are people who say "troubles dont come alone"
thats damn true.
thats why we dont normally spell trouble but troubles

my current state (if you really want to know)
thought: now i need to get that ice pack
*opens fridge door*
EH?! where is it?
*asks mum*
mum said: it's already round your head

i didnt come online to seek for empathy
so dont be mistaken.
so i'll just quietly come and quietly leave
and let things lie.

i've just "seen the other side" of FY
i'm impressed.
i've always known him as somebody who have/ makes a lot of fun.
he finally knocked some sense into me today. non-literal of course.
we actually had some serious talks! WOW
and the things he brought up reminded me of the only resolution i made to myself (which nobody knows, i guess...)... which is.
Start Living For Myself.

seriously, so what if i could end up with a lower salary or just a basic pay?
so what if i ended up working somewhere like science park?
so what if forged ties break?
we need a couple of wrong turns to find the right way.
and we need to see the world more to make the right choice.
and i dont have many chances of making wrong turns.
now is the time.

and who says they will definitely go wrong?
there's something i kept shut about.
and that is i totally regretted signing the contract that time RIGHT AFTER i reached home.
and woot, it turned good.

FY is right, now is the time.
And i'm sure she will understand.
this is the best for me.

now there's only ONE right thing to do tomorrow.

thanks FY. ^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the handyman episode is really good though. haha. get well soon!
