Saturday, March 1, 2008

could have ended up quarelling ytd...
he was saying how the song reminds him of those memories he had with she-who-must-named...
he sure knows the way to upset me...
why did i fall for it again?
and why did i have to react to his trick?
why did i have to say "delete the song"
and why did i have to piss him off at the same time, by telling him about what he-who-must-not-be-named?
we ended up pissing each other off, but feigning that we cant be borthered...
why do we always have to do this?
why do we always have to test each other out?

okays. back to normal...

went to PArty World KTV with the colleagues...
lol man, they were crazy... wall i am too though...
hanged ard there till about 11pm...
cabbed home...

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